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Child Employment (Ages 13 - 16)

Child Employment Awareness

Is your 13 to 16 year old son or daughter looking to start a Saturday job or work during the school holidays?  Are they interested in starting a paper round? If so, they will need an employment permit to work.

North Yorkshire County Council is responsible for ensuring children between the ages of 13yrs & 16yrs (compulsory school age) who intend to work, or have a job, have a valid employment permit.

The Local Authority has produced byelaws which regulate the types of work young people are permitted to do and also the number of hours they are allowed to work. These byelaws help to ensure young people are working safely and their work does not affect their wellbeing or education.

Every application received is checked to ensure the proposed employer is aware of regulations; his /her legal responsibility towards the young person and has completed risk assessments to ensure the safety of the environment in which the young person intends to work. The Local Authority will also check with the school, his/her attendance and whether or not the employment may impact on his/her education.

For a young person, getting a job and earning money is an exciting first step into the adult world and North Yorkshire County Council, as a local authority aim to support and safeguard them as they take this step. The Local Authority are happy to help; the application doesn’t take long to complete & THE PERMIT WON’T COST A PENNY…. IT’S FREE! 

For a child to work it must be in accordance with the byelaws as set out below: 

Children of school age between 13yrs and 16yrs must have a valid employment permit. During term time no child may work for more than 12 hours in any one week.

On school days children may be employed: 

a) for up to 1 hour before school and up to 1 hour after school as long as the employment is not before 7.00am or after 7.00pm


b) for up to 2 hours after school as long as the employment ceases by 7.00pm


  • Children who are 13 and 14 years of age may work up to a maximum of 5 hours per day
  • Children of 15 years of age and over may work up to a maximum of 8 hours per day
  • No child may work for more than 4 hours without a break of at least 1 hour


  • No child may work for more than 2 hours between 7.00am and 7.00pm

During school holidays: 

  • 13 and 14 year olds may be employed for up to 5 hours per day subject to a maximum weekly limit of 25 hours
  • 15 and 16 year olds: may be employed for up to 8 hours per day subject to a maximum weekly limit of 35 hours

No child may work for more than 4 hours without a break of at least 1 hour 

For further information: Also:

Information for young people of compulsory school age and employers

Student Absence Reporting


The absence reporting form is currently under review and will be available from Friday 22nd April. 

We apologise for any inconvenience 


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