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Sixth Form - Home
Sixth Form - Home

House System

We have a thriving house system at King James’s that encourages team spirit increases the sense of community and belonging encourages friendships among students of different ages provides a focus for rewarding students for their achievements.

When students arrive at the school they join one of our four houses





Each form group belongs to a particular house, as indicated by its name
(e.g. 7S1 is a Swaledale form). Our house system provides an opportunity for younger and older students from the same house to mix.

The school has a long and proud tradition of house competition – not just in sporting endeavour, but also in drama, dance and music.

House events in 2024/25 will include:

Cross Country
House Drama
House Football
House Netball
House Rugby
House Softball/Rounders
Maths Challenges
Pageturners Competitions
House Science
House Election
Languages Spelling Bee (Year 7 + 8)
Accelerated Reader (Year 7)
House DT (Year 7 + 8)
Sports Day 
House Quiz
Each house has a Head of House and House Captains who help to organise teams and support students. House points are added up throughout the year and the overall winning house is awarded a trophy at the end of year assembly.

Student Absence Reporting


The absence reporting form is currently under review and will be available from Friday 22nd April. 

We apologise for any inconvenience 


Parent Pay

Parent View

My Child at SChool

Parents Evening System

Planet E-Stream

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