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Examinations & Results

It is King James’s policy to enter all students for public examinations in the courses they have been following. In exceptional circumstances, such as failure to complete coursework or controlled assessment, we may withdraw a student’s entry for examination.

Parents are advised that any requests for student absence during internal and external examination periods will not be authorised.

For further information please contact Exams Manager – Louise Smith

Post-Results Support

If you require further details with regards to post results information, please see details below.  

Including FAQ’s, UCAS, Exams and Careers Advice 

Including FAQ’s, Sixth Form Admissions, Exams and Careers Advice 

If you are looking for more information regarding your next steps after school/Sixth form, please see the guides from the Careers team attached. 


GCSE Grade Boundaries

Please see the documents below to check the grade boundaries for each of your exams.

If you are unable to find the grade boundaries or need any further help, please contact the Exams Office.  

King James´s has an excellent academic record. Student outcomes are strong leading to 97% of students staying in education or employment with training

Attainment of our Year 11 students is consistently above national average. In 2023, 54.1% of students achieved a grade 5 or higher in both English and Mathematics. In total, 71.4% of students achieved the Level 2 benchmark of 5 grades of above 4 including English and Maths.. All students are able to choose subjects that form the EBacc, should they wish. It is currently a non-compulsory option within our Key Stage 4 curriculum. 20% entered the EBacc subjects and achieved an average points score of 4.21.

King James´s Sixth Form students also attain and progress well. Our Sixth Form admissions policy is more inclusive than many providers and, therefore, the ability profile of the cohort is very mixed. 

Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.  

See the school’s latest Department for Education performance tables.

Attainment 850.1
Average A8 Grade5.01
Progress 8-0.04
9-5 EN & MA %54.1
9-4 EN & MA %71.4
EBacc Average Points Score4.21
Percentage of students entering Ebacc20%
Destinations – the percentage of students staying in education or employment for at least 2 terms after key stage 4 (2020 leavers – the most recent data available)98%
Attainment 2022
Average points 39.25
Average Grade B
Retainment – the percentage of students completing their main study program 97%
Destinations – the percentage of students staying in education, employment or training for at least 2 terms after 16-18 study (2020 leavers – the most recent data available) 92%

Student Absence Reporting


The absence reporting form is currently under review and will be available from Friday 22nd April. 

We apologise for any inconvenience 


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