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Tutor Time Programme

Tutor Time Programme

We believe that Tutor Time is fundamental in promoting the school ethos whilst developing the personal qualities of the students who attend King James´s School. The objectives of our Tutor Programme is to provide our students each day with a safe and nurturing environment, which develops the necessary values,  qualities and attitudes for each of them to lead fulfilled, well balanced, happy and healthy lives.

The Tutoring Programme for KS3 and 4 has a theme for each Learning Cycle, which underpin and support our school ethos of ReadyRespectful, and Engaged.

  • Learning Cycle 1 – We value our community

  • Learning Cycle 2 – We value ourselves

  • Learning Cycle 3 – We value our education

  • Learning Cycle 4 – We value each other

During each theme we focus on the development of key personal qualities

  • We value our community – Active Citizen, Team player, leadership
  • We value  ourselves – Responsibility, Proud, Well being
  • We value our education – Self Reflection & Aspirations, Resilient, Initiative
  • We value each other – Care & Support, Tolerant, Respect

Each Learning Cycle the themes are embedded into our Tutor Programme, assemblies & learning manager activities. There are specific challenges which our students are asked to complete, which are linked to the success criteria used when completing the end of year Pastoral Report. The challenges include a mixture of reflective tasks which require consideration of spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) issues. Students are also asked to explore their own beliefs and values, taking into account current, local, national and global issues. The tutoring programme develops our student´s awareness of their own well-being, personal safety and their role as a local and global citizen.

Tutor Programme aims:

  • Develop an understanding of their characters, strengths and areas for development.
  • Develop an understanding of wellbeing and promote positive behaviour choices thus keeping themselves and others safe.
  • Develop an understanding of our community ethos by demonstrating and actively promoting the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance.
  • Develop and build self-knowledge, self-respect, self-esteem, self-discipline.
  • Clarify the meaning and purpose in our lives, how we distinguish right from wrong and how we decide to live our lives.
  • Encourage aspirations, to value education and strive for knowledge, wisdom and understanding, develop resilience and a growth mind-set.
  • Prepare students for the world of work and encourage positive attitudes towards a strong work ethos, challenge, progress, attainment, good attendance and punctuality.
  • Support students through their key transitions between KS2, 3, 4 & 5, preparing them for their next stage of learning and for their future role as active citizens beyond King James´s.

Student Absence Reporting


The absence reporting form is currently under review and will be available from Friday 22nd April. 

We apologise for any inconvenience 


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