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General Data Protection Regulation

You will be aware that the laws governing data protection changed in 2018. Under the new GDPR legislation we are required to obtain parental consent (opt in) for a number of facilities and activities in school.

We would be grateful if you could please complete the consent form below which will then allow us to update our records. If you have more than one child currently attending the school, please complete a separate form for each of your children.

Our Privacy Notice can be downloaded below or viewed using this link: GDPR PRIVACY NOTICE

Covid-19 Addendum – Due to changes in the governments requirements during the Coronavirus pandemic, there are certain new forms of data which the school is legally bound to supply to the Department for Education. The details of these can be viewed in this addendum to our Privacy Notice.

Our online consent form can be filled in here.

Further information on each of the items listed is provided below.

Further Information

  • Biometric Data consent 

Under GDPR, we are required to inform parents and to obtain consent from at least one parent before being able to use a child’s biometric information for an automated system for the purpose of cashless catering.

The biometric recognition system will take measurements of key points of your child’s fingerprint and will convert these into an encrypted template that is stored securely. The biometric template cannot be interpreted back into a fingerprint, matching can only be done by scanning the user’s finger. An image of your child’s fingerprint is not stored.

What are you consenting to?

  • The school would like to take and use the information from your child’s fingerprint for the purpose of providing your child access to the cashless catering system.
  • Written consent must be provided by at least one parent. This can be overridden if the other parent objects in writing.
  • This permission is valid from the date that is highlighted until your child leaves the school.
  • You can withdraw your consent at any time by making written notice to the school.
  • You are advised that pin numbers do not have the same level of security and it will be your child’s responsibility to remember the code and keep it secure.

 Local School Trips and Sports Activities Consent form

During the academic year, your son/daughter may be involved in a number of local visits (approximately 15-20 minutes’ walk from school) and sports activities/clubs (approximately 30 miles from the school). These visits may be organised by various departments in the school and sports activities/clubs arranged by the PE department.

We must obtain parental/guardian/carer permission for your child to participate. If this consent is not provided then your child will not be able to participate in any of these off site activities. Your assistance in completing this process will be appreciated. Any changes in your child’s health must be highlighted to the school at the earliest convenience in writing. 

What are you consenting to? 

I understand that my child may leave the school premises for local trips and sporting activities/clubs and give my consent for my child to participate in these activities.

  • Can participate in local visits and activities/clubs.
  • Can be transported in the school minibus / private vehicle of staff / taxi / volunteers supervising the visit, if required.
  • Is in good health and is fit to participate in these activities/clubs.
  • Can receive medical treatment as necessary.
  • This permission is valid from the date that is highlighted until your child leaves the school.

Photograph Consent –What  are you consenting to?

Photographs and video images are occasionally taken for the purpose of our school displays and sometimes in other printed publications, such as school prospectus. We may also use them on our school social media sites, local press and Local Authority.

If a photograph of an individual pupil is used, we will not use the name of that child in the accompanying text. If a pupil is named in the text, we will not use a photograph of that child to accompany the article.

From time to time, our school may be visited by the media who will take photographs or film footage of a high profile event. Children may appear in these images, which will sometimes be published in local or national newspapers, or on approved websites. To comply with GDPR, we need your permission before we can photograph or make any recordings of your child. 

Student Absence Reporting


The absence reporting form is currently under review and will be available from Friday 22nd April. 

We apologise for any inconvenience 


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