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Behaviour and Wellbeing

The school expects good discipline and high standards of behaviour at all times. Visitors to the school, including inspectors, often comment on students’ good behaviour in lessons and their co-operative, civilised and responsible manner. The last Ofsted inspection awarded the school Good for behaviour.

Our policy is to promote an ethos where all students, parents and staff treat each other with respect. We insist on polite and civilised relationships. Our aims are incompatible with bullying: all forms of bullying are unacceptable, whether physical, verbal, emotional or cyber-based.

At King James´s, we believe that the way students behave is influenced more by the school´s atmosphere and expectations than through rigid rules and severe sanctions. Our aim is to foster a tolerant, friendly and purposeful atmosphere. Adults reinforce the aims and values of the school in their relationships with students and other adults, as well as in their expectations of the behaviour of students. Our expected student values are simple, to be READY, RESPECTFUL and ENGAGED.

We have a highly qualified nurse and pastoral support workers who are able to offer emotional support alongside day-to-day welfare support. Students also have access to a local authority nurse who can offer more bespoke counselling. Referral to this service can be made through respective Pastoral Officers.

The school´s Anti-bullying and Behaviour for Learning Policies can be found on the School Policies page of our website.


NHS Humber and North Yorkshire has provided the school with new resources to support children and young people’s mental health.

A Young Person’s Guide to Mental Health has been created by young people for young people to help them find the right support for their mental health. The best way to access this and further resources is through the website linked below:


If you are looking for help within the school please go through the Confide with our team. 

Further Information

Student Absence Reporting


The absence reporting form is currently under review and will be available from Friday 22nd April. 

We apologise for any inconvenience 


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