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Useful Websites

Unsure what you want to do?

First of all, if this is you – DON’T PANIC! You have come to the right place…

You could use a career matching quiz to begin thinking about what might suit you, your skills and your personality:-


National Careers Service skills assessment

Pearson careers choices – 

Prospects Career Planner –  

You could find out more about what jobs are available. This can be useful for checking where jobs are now and the jobs of the future

SACU websiteTo help you consider options at 18, the SACU Careers Quiz matches you to careers, HE courses and Apprenticeships.  It is a useful starting point for you to explore your choices (especially if you are unsure where to start).  It takes 25 mins to complete the visual quiz and it will provide you with your bespoke Careers, Subject and Apprenticeship option clouds!  Our students speak highly of how it helps them to focus on their choices and decisions and to react with new ideas and suggestions.  See log in instructions at the end of this sheet.  Check it out   at  

Will my chosen career be replaced by a robot? –

eCLIPS - Our virtual library

We have chosen eCLIPS as our careers information resource. This easy-to-use online platform will help you make informed decisions for your future. It’s written specifically for 11-19s by career professionals and provides:

  • Accurate information on over 1400 jobs to help your consider the full range of options available to you
  • Live-streamed labour market information including local vacancies
  • Information catering for people of all abilities and stages (from school to adulthood)
  • Careers linked to school/college subjects
  • Impartial advice to help you choose study and employment options and prepare for the world of work
  • An interactive career matching tool

Our licence provides unlimited access both at school and at home.  Parents are most welcome to use the resource. 

By investing in eCLIPS we are helping to meet four of the eight Gatsby Benchmarks (2, 3, 4 & 7), the Government’s chosen standards for high quality careers guidance provision.

How to access the eCLIPS careers library – you will have posters in your form room with the access code, and the code will be in 2024-25 planners and on Its Learning.   If you cannot access the website contact our Careers Adviser for the code.  (Licence conditions prevent us posting the passwords on the website)

You can speak to your careers adviser, Karen Morgan – The Careers Room is in the 6th form block on the first floor – pop in at lunchtime, or before school, for an initial chat.  Karen may be able to give you information straight away, or you may need a careers interview – which Karen will arrange with you.  Alternatively, you can email her for advice.

Karen is available 4 days a week and at Boroughbridge School 1 day a week:

Karen: or

Other useful websites



advice and guides for students, parents and teachers

Icould -

Real stories to inform your careers planning, research and options

Stemettes -

information, activities and resources to inspire you to consider the world of STEM


UCAS connects people to University, post Uni studies including teacher training, apprenticeships & internships and helps students to find the information for their next step.

Informed Choices – Russell Group -

UCAS connects people to University, post Uni studies including teacher training, apprenticeships & internships and helps students to find the information for their next step.

Not Going to Uni (NGTU) -

one of the UK’s leading websites dedicated to helping school and college leavers make informed decisions about their future by showing the opportunities that exist outside of traditional university, such as apprenticeships, sponsored degrees, diplomas, gap years, distance learning and jobs

Student Absence Reporting


The absence reporting form is currently under review and will be available from Friday 22nd April. 

We apologise for any inconvenience 


Parent Pay

Parent View

My Child at SChool

Parents Evening System

Planet E-Stream

School Email Login