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COVID-19 Summer School Programme Fund

The DfE's case for Summer Schools

Department for Education (DfE) research estimates that in the first half-term of Autumn 2020, pupils in:

  • Year 3 to 9 were on average around 1.6 to 2 months behind on their reading
  • Year 3 to 7 were around 3.2 months behind on their Maths
  • Schools with high numbers of pupils eligible for free school meals were on average further behind those in schools with low free school meals eligibility

Anecdotal evidence also points to children and young people’s mental health having suffered from lockdown and from periods of individual or class isolation even after schools reopened fully in the Autumn term.

Summer School provision with an academic focus has the potential to support attending pupils to make up for some of their missed education. The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) finds that, on average, pupils attending a Summer School can make:

  • 2 months’ additional progress (compared with pupils who do not attend)
  • Up to 4 months’ additional progress if the Summer School offers small group tuition led by highly-trained and experienced teaching staff

Evidence suggests a broader benefit for families and communities, support for vulnerable children and young people, pupil mental health and wellbeing, improved education engagement and transitions, and reduced youth violence.

King James's Summer School (Summer 2021)

In Summer 2021, in line with DfE guidance, King James’s School were pleased to offer an opportunity to Year 6 pupils of all feeder schools; to attend their free Summer School.

The focus was on those children that had found remote learning particularly difficult, or those that would benefit from additional support, and the impacts on those transitioning from primary to secondary school following the unique challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown.

In addition to the anticipated 2 months  progress gained (compared with pupils who do not attend, according to the The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)), this opportunity was designed to help our Year 6 pupils to ‘step up to secondary school’ – providing a dual focus of supporting educational needs, but also a great chance for pupils to meet fellow classmates and make important connections prior to starting school in September. This presented an additional opportunity for pupils, alongside the usual transition process.

The Summer School was a two week programme and a unique experience planned to immerse the pupils in new experiences, inspiring them to demonstrate their interest and discover untapped talents, whilst encouraging them to take risks to acquire new knowledge, helping to spring-board them into September.

The programme provided a range of activities for the pupils including:

  • Academic engagement from subjects including english, maths and science
  • Fun enrichment activities including sport, art, cookery, games and design technology
  • A celebration event for all pupils who completed the summer school
  • An educational visit
  • Lunch, snacks and drinks during the day

With King James’ own teachers leading this programme, the schools aim was for pupils to learn by having fun over the Summer. The bespoke activities were designed by teachers who had both the academic and social wellbeing of all pupils at the heart of their planning.

Funding Allocation (Summer 2021)

Total Funding Available

(50% 2 week allocation. £597 per pupil)


Total Funding Claimed



Breakdown of Expenditure



Curriculum Materials


Enrichment and Educational Visit


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The absence reporting form is currently under review and will be available from Friday 22nd April.

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