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Parents' Evening ​

Online Y11 Parents Evening

Protocols for Parents’ Evenings

Because we know how busy Parents’ Evenings can be in such a large school, we’ve compiled some suggestions below to help to make the experience a positive one.

Due to the size of the school and the teaching load for members of staff it is unfortunately not possible to devise a system where parents can see all of their child’s teachers.

When making appointments we strongly recommend that you prioritise the subjects or teachers that you would most like to see. 

Bookings will be made via the online appointment booking system. This allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers, for which you will receive a confirmation email. Please note, only one appointment per subject, per child should be made. Please see the parent’s user guide and instructions for multiple attendees above. This explains how to use the system and also how to invite one other attendee. This may help if you are going to be in different locations on the evening or co-parent.

If you cannot get the appointments that you need there are other ways to contact members of staff by telephone, by emailing the school or writing a note in the planner and asking your child to show it to the teacher.  If there is a concern about progress, then the school will most likely be in touch with you.

Please note that although you will book 6-minute appointments, these will actually end after 5 minutes to allow time between appointments for both parents and teachers. If you delay starting a call it does not extend for the duration of that appointment ; the appointment will always end at the scheduled time. Please therefore ensure that you are logged on and ready at your designated appointment time.

We think very carefully about the timing of parents’ evenings, and we have to fit seven of them into a few months during the middle of the academic year.  Issues that you wish to raise or questions you have need not wait until parents’ evening. Get in touch at other times if you need to.

Please do enjoy parents’ evening and celebrate success with child.

Student Absence Reporting


The absence reporting form is currently under review and will be available from Friday 22nd April. 

We apologise for any inconvenience 


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Parents Evening System

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