Sixth Form - Home

Year 6 Transition

Welcome Y6 pupils, parents and carers,

This website will be updated regularly with lots of useful information for you before you join us at King James’s in September.

I hope you will find this content useful. We will endeavour to answer all your questions about transition from primary into secondary school and ease any worries you may have.

Any unanswered questions you may have please direct your enquiries to

Mrs Holdsworth 
KS3 Director 

If you are still needing to complete the admission form you can access it here: 

Please keep checking back in with the school website, as we release further information. 

Expect to see staff introductions, transition activities and additional supportive materials for parents. 

We will also be releasing a New Starters Guide, which we hope should cover everything you might need to ensure a smooth transition to King James’s School. 

New Starters Guide

Transition Letters

An introduction to our Associate Assistant Headteacher - Mr King

An introduction to our Assistant Headteacher - Mrs Holdsworth

Please watch for some additional information regarding our Transition Days

An introduction to your Year Manager - Miss L English

A welcome message from Mrs Martin, the Headteacher

Understanding our School Values from Mr McIntosh, the Deputy Head

King James's Open Day

Transition Days

Music Lessons

The School Library

Parents Expectations Evening

Supporting your child's transition

We understand transitioning from Primary school to Secondary school can be a difficult time for many. To aid in this process we have provided additional resources to help support your child. 

Student Absence Reporting


The absence reporting form is currently under review and will be available from Friday 22nd April. 

We apologise for any inconvenience 


Parent Pay

Parent View

My Child at SChool

Parents Evening System

Planet E-Stream

School Email Login