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Application Process

Thank you for your interest in working at King James’s School, we welcome your application.  The application form is your first opportunity to demonstrate how your qualifications, training, work experience (including voluntary work), skills and abilities align with the criteria that is required in order to undertake the role successfully.

The panel will shortlist the candidates whose profiles closely match the required criteria. This guidance document provides an insight into what the panel is looking for when they shortlist your application, along with advice to help you structure your answers.

Prior to starting the application form

Ensure that you have the following details to hand as you will be asked to refer to these in your application –

  • Qualifications
  • Training
  • Work experience (including voluntary experience where applicable)
  • Most recent salary
  • Explanation for any gaps in your employment history
  • Two contacts who could provide references for you

Requirements for References: At least one of the references should be your current employer. If you are not currently working with children, but have previously done so, then you must include a referee from the last post where you worked with children. If you have not been in recent paid employment, referees should be appropriately qualified to provide confirmation of your suitability for employment. Referees may be contacted before interview unless you specify against this.

All vacancies close at 8.00am on the closing date, unless otherwise specified in the advert.  Please ensure you leave enough time to complete the application and check it for accuracy prior to submitting it. It might be helpful to ask another person to proof read your application.

“Experience and qualities relevant to the post” Section of the application form – hints and tips

This section of the application form asks you to outline your reasons for applying for the post and explain how your experience, knowledge and skills relate to the post. It also asks you to state what qualities you are able to bring to the post, any significant achievements and other relevant factors in support of your application.

You should provide evidence to demonstrate to the panel how fully you meet each requirement that relates directly to the qualifications, knowledge, experience and skills needed to undertake the role (outlined in the Person Specification). 

  • Provide enough depth within your answers – The panel will use your answers as an indication of your ability to meet the requirements of the role, therefore it is important to provide them with enough depth in your answer.
  • Refer to include specific examples within your answers – Within your answers refer, wherever possible, to specific examples of occasions where you have demonstrated the required skill / experience.
  • Remember to refer to voluntary work experience if needed – If you are unable to answer a question using an example from your previous work experience remember that you can also refer to any voluntary experience you have undertaken.

If you have trouble accessing the application form or require the form in any other format, please contact

Equal Opportunity Employer King James’s School is an equal opportunity employer committed to the elimination of discrimination throughout its employment practices. Selection criteria procedures will be reviewed frequently to ensure that individuals are selected and treated on the basis of their merits and abilities. All information is treated in confidence and personal information submitted as part of the Equal Opportunities questions will not form part of your application; the shortlisting panel do not have access to this information. Please read our Equal Opportunities statement here.

Shortlisting & Interviews Applicants who meet the requirements will normally be short-listed for interview. In addition, you may be asked to undertake tests, written exercises or other tasks deemed appropriate for the role as part of the selection process. At the interview, the panel will ask questions which are intended to allow you to expand on your application and to demonstrate how you meet the requirements of the post. This is also your opportunity to ask questions relating to the job. You will also be asked for your views on the importance of safeguarding children and provide evidence of your suitability to work with young people through your responses to interview questions. At least one interview panel member will be Safer Recruitment trained

Student Absence Reporting


The absence reporting form is currently under review and will be available from Friday 22nd April. 

We apologise for any inconvenience 


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