Main School - Home
Main School - Home

Community & Hire

King James´s School sits at the heart of the Knaresborough community and the students, in their distinctive tartan ties and kilts, play a central part in the life of the town. Almost everyone in Knaresborough has some sort of link to the school, whether as a pupil (past or present), through family, friends, or the numerous activities that draw school and community together.

As a school, we take great pride in our position in the local community and are always keen to forge new links with individuals and businesses in Knaresborough and the immediate area.

Student Absence Reporting


The absence reporting form is currently under review and will be available from Friday 22nd April.

We apologise for any inconvenience


Parent Pay

Parent View

My Child at SChool

Parents Evening System

Planet E-Stream

School Email Login