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Computer Science

Do you want to experience computer science at an ‘expert’ level, are you thinking about a computing career or you want to boost your computing skills essential for the 21st century – then this is the course for you.

The digital age needs computer scientists. Like it or not you’re living in it – this is the Digital Age. 

A level Computer Science is a fantastic course that allows students to broaden their knowledge of how computers function. If you are interested in learning about how to make computers do what YOU want and would like to know what actually happens INSIDE THE MACHINE. Explore modern network layouts and how they function, build skills in the ever important realm of cyber security, then this is the course for you.

Not only will you develop more advanced coding skills in one or more programming languages and explore algorithms that are fundamental in the development of new technologies. It’s a highly creative subject that calls on learners to be inventive and use new-found programming skills on an independent coding project by solving a real-world problem.

To get started

An inquiring mind and willingness to work hard are essential qualities of this course. This A level requires you to have at least a grade 5 in GCSE Mathematics. Previous studies in Computer Science and/or IT is not a necessity as long as you are enthused at the thought of solving problems through computational thinking, algorithm design and coding real world solutions.

Exams and Assessment Information

H446/01 Computer systems 2 hour 30 minutes exam (40%)

H446/02 Algorithms & programming 2 hour 30 minutes exam (40%)

H446/03 Programming project (20%)

What Next?

An A Level in Computer Science will make you one of the most valuable students on the market, opening doors to a variety of university courses in computer studies, IT and programming. There are an increasing number of apprenticeships opening up in this area too, with a high demand for quality individuals which could lead to employment and/or further study in this exciting new area.

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